Monday, March 5, 2012

Check this out!

Just a quick note – my friend Jen from At Random is doing a giveaway of some adorable monster bookmarks she made.

Aren't they cute? Don't you want some? You should definitely head over there and enter. And while you're at it, check out her posts! She has lots of great stuff!


  1. Awww, so cute! These would be a perfect gift for my sister.

    And wow, you're SO CLOSE to 200 GFC followers! Exciting :D


I love your comments! I try to respond to them...eventually!

This is now an award-free blog. I love and totally appreciate that you thought of me, but I know myself better than to think I would be organized enough to pass them along, and that doesn't seem fair.

Finally, if you're posting a URL, the code to make it actually link to your site is <.a href="your URL">your text<./a>, without the periods.